A little about Wild Style Riding Wear

My name is Patrick, I am the creator, maker, dirtbag artist behind Wild Style Riding Wear and this is my passion project. I focus on creating unique functional pieces of artwork for use in the outdoors and everyday life. I developed my owns methods and dyes, to create 100% polyester quick drying tie-dye shirts. I design and sketch the artwork, and I try to document as much of the stoke that comes from that. My hope and goal is that each jersey created will be a signal of positive vibes and the stoke that comes from being outdoors. This for me, is an effort to create a community of people who share the passion of biking.

As of 2022 I will be trying to focus more on collaboration with fellow artists (Creative Collab), bike shops, and brands to create unique garments. If you’re interested in carrying the brand in your bike shop, check out the retail application and if you are interested in doing a large run of custom jerseys shoot me an email, lets make some art!